I just now got to the part of my new GitHub project where I pushed a LIMITATIONS file for it when it struck me, having just basically suggested that at least some nodes of the project should run git repos not just (like most nodes) git clients, that maybe no-one had snapped up gitcoin,com, gitcoin,org and gitcoin.net yet.
Well it turns out that GoDaddy has, but no one seems to be actually using, GitCoin.com (GoDaddy is trying to sell it it looks like, before who-ever isn't using it lets it expire even maybe, and likely for more than they normally charge for a dot-com domain) but gitcoin.org and gitcoin.net seem to be available.
I haven't yet got to the part of the project in which "would you prefer to run all the alt chains' daemons yourself, or just use Open Transactions as generic gateway to coins in general and currencies in general" part of the configuration process usrs aka admins using the project will need to go through to configure what exactly their node will be up to and how it will implent getting up to it, but *coins are definitely implicated in the overall project.
Maybe if someone likes the idea of using *coins to help lubricate the operations of such a project, such as by rewarding nodes that do choose to host git repos, they might consider whether gitcoin might be a useful term for bundling all coin-based reward schemes independent of which types of coins are used / supported / preferred by which nodes into a general "this is about coins in regard to git" term.
Services such as GitHub cater to open data, and are not as p2p-ish as people running repos themselves on their own machines. They are not good for things like putting data intended for specific entities or groups, in encrypted form only the target entity or group can decode, out where who actually pulls it might not be very controlled/restricted.
Anyway, just thought I'd throw the name out here in case it interests anyone. Maybe even enough to think about starting yet another blockchain to mint actual Gitcoins, who knows?
-MarkM- ( My new GitHub project?
GitHub-only portion of Galactic Milieu project )