Welcome to the OGLEVERSE!
OGLE is a Play-to-Earn game in which players develop their NFT characters by winning game rounds of dynamic staking.
The game mechanics in the early stages consist of 2 game scenarios, one of which has to do with the player's motivation to increase the value of the game character by successfully progressing through the game, the other is directly related to the possibility of earning money on stakes in which the amount of profit depends on the balance between the risk set and the desire to get more money by winning. CHARACTERS
Göwner: the head of the clan who receives a constant income from the players who belong to his clan.
Hogle is a premium character with a multi-head feature that allows you to play multiple Ogles at the same time and rent them out.
Ogle is a simple playable character that can increase his value by developing theplayer experience and generate income with dynamic stakes.