Well mean while, I have read the entire document, looked at examples, looked at what professor mentions is vunerable software basically all webbrowsers <- that is big.
If this was known then why is it not fixed ? Clearly it wasn't know or people didn't take it seriously, I'll let you choose.
Paying 8010 or 1080 is a big deal this could be fooled on the web.
Anyway I also googled around found some doc about hacking unicode, apperently in that doc this was also know.
The thing that alarmed me is that this-executes-exe.txt actually worked in windows 7.
Basically the exe.txt get's swapped, so the real filename is this-executes-txt.exe.
I have never seen such a thing in all these years of windows usage ! That totally shocked me. SO BEWARE !
For now I have calmed down somewhat, totally calm now...
There is babelmap an babeleditor that can be used to experiment with unicode and control characters !
Have fun ! =D
I also worry about magnetlinks from whatever reason... my spider-sense till me somebody is going to do something bad with it.
Or how about URI payments ! AH YES ! URI payments would be the perfect way to fool USERS.
Bye for now,