If blockchain is charging for every transaction there should also be a unit where someone can make complaints about an error transaction.
The "blockchain" is not charging you anything.
You pay for a transaction to be confirmed any amount you want if you want to do so. Nobody cares how much you send, to whom you send when you send, you're just wanting to bring a false sentiment of security when actually it will make everything worse.
What is the next plan, white-labeling addresses and blacklisting others?
Stopping poeple who have addresses labeled as being one from one country to send coins to another?
Put limitations on how many coins and how many transactions you can do a day or a month?
Once you bring somebody with enough power in the system to reverse transactions is the moment every single one of the above will slowly start to be implemented. You want to be able to reverse transactions, us a credit card, that's what I'm doing when I am forced to buy something from a website I don't trust completely.
You mentioned twice this "blockchain" as being either a company or an entity or a group or something.
No, the blockchain is a database, nothing more, it has no face, it has no soul, it has no office and for sure it will never offer customer service.
Blockchain.com is a company,
a blockchain is something different.