I've understood that it's now time not just for these private companies to appreciate their laborers but as well as the government. If there will be more job openings that aren't filled, it will affect somehow the economy of these states since it's likely more about labour laws that aren't favorable to them.
Wait till the poeple run out of cash reserves and the governments stop giving away free checks to everyone.
People don't realize that just because you get a new job and the company who doesn't pay you enough gets out of business will still affect you, the one left producing will increase the price, there will be fewer goods on the market because of the offer and demand you will end up paying more than you got from your raise.
Everyone is screaming give us more money, how about you start your own business and pay your workers twice as the competition?
If companies pay too low they are shouted at, if they rise the price they are shouted at, if they go bankrupt everyone is cheering because they "deserved" it.
But that's good. Companies who have capitalized on pandemic are now forced to shell out more money to retain or on fresh hiring. We are getting the benefits!
Yeah right, the world is full of benefits, what to bet that by the end of winter we will see a lot fewer job openings and twice as many poeple looking for a job? Without any serious raise in wages?