From all the info you provided. I think They are scamming nothing else. Since Saiful Asked them to provide the proof "where he said to pay him in ETH?"
The Uniochange have no answer but they repeating the same message as like a chatBot. If Uniochange has a BTT profile, you should create a flag. I hope DT members will support the flag.
Also, BestChange cannot avoid liability for this transaction since they listed Uniochange. BestChange is the largest and trusted exchanger Toplist provider. They should handle it.
Yes, they are just saying same thing but couldn't sent any proof and the order marked as complete but never sent it. I have still don't know either they have any profile on the forum or not. You are right that bestchange cannot avoid the liability. I have sent a pm of bestchange on the forum as well as on the website. So, need to observe which action they are taking.
Uniochange mentioned they have 24/7 operations but from the comment on bestchange, it is clear that they are operating manually.
But it is manual:
Well, If BestChange doesn't reply or they cannot handle it, You should create a Scam accusation against them. They provide service. They earn money. Why wouldn't take responsibility for Scamming by their partner?
From the Photo you provided, it's proved that this is not the first case for Uniochange. They do it regularly and BestChange Does nothing against them. Believe me, 80% of people don't know what to do or how to do and where to do it after they got fucked up by that kind of shitty exchanger.
Well, we expect a good solution from BestChange Team.