2 3080s with a 1000W PSU is close to the limit. If you can't get good quality cables it makes a big difference.
That includes the cables that connect directly to the PSU.
Don't consider splitting unless you have an 8 wire cable with 8 pins connected to the PSU. Many PSUs come with
a mix of cables with either 1x8 or 2x8 GPU connectors. You can convert a 1x8 to 2x8 with a good splitter.
Also depending on cable quality you can convert a Molex cable to 8 pin PCIe, preferably use a 2xMolex to 8 pin converter
and 2 seperate Molex cables to better distribute the load.
Whatever you do watch for signs of overheating of the cables or connectors.
ur mostly right 1000w is about the limit for 2x 3080s at 80% limit coz its a server board with 2x CPUs, RAM, SSD etc...
no way around it bro i cant source a good PSU here with plenty of cables, unless i go with the HP
https://www.amazon.com.tr/DPS-1200FB-438202-002-440785-001-Ethereum-MADENC%C4%B0C%C4%B0/dp/B09378QX91/ref=sr_1_3?__mk_tr_TR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&keywords=hp+psu&qid=1637615686&sr=8-3the only one i had in my original post, but u said:
>> Don't consider splitting unless you have an 8 wire cable with 8 pins connected to the PSU. Many PSUs come with
a mix of cables with either 1x8 or 2x8 GPU connectors. You can convert a 1x8 to 2x8 with a good splitter.
i found out that 1000w PSU got 4x 8 pin connections, so i was planning to do it like this:
2x 8 pin VGA Cables/Connectors will go for 1st 3080 (this one needs only 2x 8pin)
1x 8 pin VGA Cable/Connector will go to 2nd 3080 (this one needs 3x 8pin sadly)
Now we r left with 2x 8pin ports unfulfilled on the 2nd 3080...
Will use One 6pin to dual 8pin splitter to convert last vga connector/cable for the 2nd 3080
good idea ?
sadlyill use all the molex cables to power the risers
seriously that second 3080 with 3x 8pin is giving me trouble and the lack of good PSUs in this country !...