ComputeLabs (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
December 07, 2021, 06:08:49 PM Last edit: December 15, 2021, 10:12:00 AM by ComputeLabs |
中文见下文 Для pyccкoгo языкa cм. нижe Download CMiner 21.12.15 here (General Linux, HiveOS & Windows)Here is a Youtube video showing how to install the miner as custom miner in HiveOS. ---======================--- Welcome!After an intense development we are proud to finally present you our newest creation: CMiner, a fast and reliable software to mine Ethereum on your Nvidia graphics card. Let us summarize its key features - It is fast: CMiner can compete with all current competitors in the market and is often superior when it comes to pool side results
- It is easy: The complete configuration only requires few basic parameters
- It is compatible: It is working for every Nvidia card from the Pascal generation and newer. Also it is compatible with every Cuda driver since Cuda 8
- It is safe to use: CMiner does not read or write any data to your hard disk. Additionally the developer fee of 1% is always transferred by using TLS encryption to ensure that the data stream cannot be read by third parties
CMiner 21.12.15 requires only a small set of mandatory parameters to start its work. Parameter | Description | --server | The address of the mining pool to connect to. Format: (tls://)server:port | --wallet | Your wallet address to mine to | --worker | The worker name associated with your mining rig | --devices | Optional parameter to select the graphic cards for mining | --api | Optional parameter to turn on the API. Format: apihost:apiport | --algo | Optional parameter to switch to other algorithms. Currently supported: eth and etc. | --nicehash | An optional switch to enable the Nicehash stratum protocol |
Example configuration scripts for the most common mining pools are shipped in the distribution package. ---======================--- 欢迎你!经过紧张的开发,我们很自豪地最终向您介绍我们的最新创作。CMiner,一个在你的Nvidia显卡上挖掘以太坊的快速而可靠的软件。让我们总结一下它的主要特点 - 它是快速的: CMiner可以与目前市场上所有的竞争对手竞争,而且在池边结果方面往往更胜一筹。
- 它很容易:完整的配置只需要几个基本参数
- 它是兼容的: 它适用于Pascal一代和更新的所有Nvidia显卡。此外,它还与Cuda 8以来的所有Cuda驱动程序兼容。
- 它的使用是安全的: CMiner不会向你的硬盘读取或写入任何数据。此外,1%的开发者费用总是通过使用TLS加密进行传输,以确保数据流不会被第三方读取。
CMiner 21.12.15 只需要一小部分强制性参数就可以开始工作. 参数 | 描述 | --server | 要连接的矿池的地址。 格式:(tls://)服务器地址 : 端口 | --wallet | 你的钱包地址,用于挖矿 | --worker | 与你的挖矿设备相关的工人名字 | --devices | 可选参数,选择用于采矿的显卡 | --api | 打开API的可选参数。格式:apihost:apiport | --algo | 用于切换到其他算法的可选参数。目前支持:eth和etc | --nicehash | 一个可选的开关,以启用Nicehash采矿协议 |
最常见的矿池的配置脚本示例已在发行包中提供。 ---======================--- Пpocтoтa в иcпoльзoвaнии!Пocлe интeнcивнoй paзpaбoтки мы c гopдocтью пpeдcтaвляeм вaм нaшe нoвoe твopeниe: CMiner, быcтpoe и нaдeжнoe пpoгpaммнoe oбecпeчeниe для дoбычи Ethereum нa вaшeй видeoкapтe Nvidia. Дaвaйтe пoдытoжим eгo ключeвыe ocoбeннocти - Быcтpoдeйcтвиe: CMiner мoжeт кoнкypиpoвaть co вceми cyщecтвyющими кoнкypeнтaми нa pынкe и чacтo пpeвocxoдит иx, кoгдa дeлo дoxoдит дo peзyльтaтoв нa cтopoнe пyлa.
- Этo лeгкo: для пoлнoй нacтpoйки тpeбyeтcя вceгo нecкoлькo ocнoвныx пapaмeтpoв
- Coвмecтимocть: CMiner paбoтaeт co вceми кapтaми Nvidia oт пoкoлeния Pascal и нoвee. Taкжe oнa coвмecтимa co вceми дpaйвepaми Cuda, нaчинaя c Cuda 8.
- Бeзoпaceн в иcпoльзoвaнии: CMiner нe читaeт и нe зaпиcывaeт никaкиx дaнныx нa вaш жecткий диcк. Кpoмe тoгo, плaтa paзpaбoтчикa в paзмepe 1% вceгдa пepeдaeтcя c иcпoльзoвaниeм TLS-шифpoвaния, чтoбы гapaнтиpoвaть, чтo пoтoк дaнныx нe мoжeт быть пpoчитaн тpeтьими лицaми.
Для нaчaлa paбoты CMiner 21.12.15 тpeбyeтcя лишь нeбoльшoй нaбop oбязaтeльныx пapaмeтpoв. Пapaмeтp | Oпиcaниe | --server | Aдpec пyлa для мaйнингa, к кoтopoмy нeoбxoдимo пoдключитьcя. Фopмaт: (tls://)aдpec cepвepa : пopт | --wallet | Aдpec вaшeгo кoшeлькa, нa кoтopый бyдeт пpoизвoдитьcя дoбычa | --worker | Имя paбoчeгo, cвязaннoгo c вaшeй мaйнингoвoй ycтaнoвкoй | --devices | Дoпoлнитeльный пapaмeтp для выбopa гpaфичecкиx кapт для мaйнингa | --api | Дoпoлнитeльный пapaмeтp для включeния API. Фopмaт: apihost:apiport | --algo | Дoпoлнитeльный пapaмeтp для пepeключeния нa дpyгиe aлгopитмы. B нacтoящee вpeмя пoддepживaютcя: eth и etc. | --nicehash | Дoпoлнитeльный пepeключaтeль для включeния пpoтoкoлa дoбычи Nicehash |
Пpимepы cцeнapиeв кoнфигypaции для нaибoлee pacпpocтpaнeнныx мaйнингoвыx пyлoв пocтaвляютcя в диcтpибyтивe.
ComputeLabs (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
December 07, 2021, 06:20:38 PM |
---=== Post reserved for the future change log ===---
Jr. Member
Activity: 62
Merit: 2
December 07, 2021, 07:03:23 PM |
One post here. Naw. I will pass
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
December 07, 2021, 07:37:45 PM |
LHR support? screenshots? You claim it competes with all current competitors, please include performance comparison with other miners.
Activity: 26
Merit: 2
December 07, 2021, 08:33:05 PM Last edit: December 12, 2021, 07:29:42 PM by MLong2 |
I'm a bit spectish about that, but I will try it 24hours... To say how much inflate or not.
At the moment the values it shows are incredible in my Nvidia Rig... but I want to check at the pool.
RTX 3070 62.70 Mhs CMiner 62.56 Mhs TRex 62.55 Mhs NBMiner 62.44 Mhs GMiner 62.25 Mhs PhoenixMiner 61.91 Mhs lolMiner 61.80 Mhs Nanominer
I will come back with my test
ComputeLabs (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
December 07, 2021, 10:01:03 PM |
One post here. Naw. I will pass
Without giving it a try? Hmm, sad. LHR support? screenshots? You claim it competes with all current competitors, please include performance comparison with other miners.
At the moment no LHR support yet. We have some code in the making, but the first codes did not match our quality standards yet. About the screenshot: Wow, yea, we have not posted some yet, but here we go:  I need to say we have not put a ton of effort into UI design, colors and so on. Because in the end we believe is what is more important is what arrives on pool side. I'm a bit spectish about that, but I will try it 24hours... To say how much inflate or not. ...
Thanks for giving it a test, I am sure you won't be disappointed.

Activity: 1559
Merit: 69
December 08, 2021, 06:31:06 AM |
One post here. Naw. I will pass
Without giving it a try? Hmm, sad. We see new special super fast miner every day and so much of this new miners are scam or phishing software. We need more proofs and thats it. If this is a real miner, keep up your work and show us some tests and proofs.
Jr. Member
Activity: 42
Merit: 2
December 08, 2021, 09:49:24 AM |
its ok for me! I'm testing it in the last 24h on my old rig.. 9xp104+2p106... hashrates reported are similar to gminer or tbm but shares seem slightly superior on pool :-) thanks Alex
ComputeLabs (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
December 08, 2021, 09:58:56 AM Last edit: December 08, 2021, 11:51:51 AM by ComputeLabs |
We see new special super fast miner every day and so much of this new miners are scam or phishing software. We need more proofs and thats it. If this is a real miner, keep up your work and show us some tests and proofs.
I understand that - it makes perfect sense. Also we are fully aware that with missing LHR support (most customer Nvidia cards sold recently) and a missing API (hard to integrate into a mining OS) the usability is limited to only some users at the moment. But both is been worked on and I am sure we can deliver that both before the year is ending. If you take into account what it needs to build a full miner from scratch in total, we already come quite some way and I hope we see some intrepid users trying out the FHR code in the next few days and reporting back to us. Especially with regard to poolside share counts  its ok for me! I'm testing it in the last 24h on my old rig..
At this point I am the skeptic, because we released this thing only 14 hours before your test - Maybe you did a test over night, but surely no full 24 hours yet  Never the less thank you for the positive feedback.
Jr. Member
Activity: 42
Merit: 2
December 08, 2021, 08:37:40 PM |
We see new special super fast miner every day and so much of this new miners are scam or phishing software. We need more proofs and thats it. If this is a real miner, keep up your work and show us some tests and proofs.
I understand that - it makes perfect sense. Also we are fully aware that with missing LHR support (most customer Nvidia cards sold recently) and a missing API (hard to integrate into a mining OS) the usability is limited to only some users at the moment. But both is been worked on and I am sure we can deliver that both before the year is ending. If you take into account what it needs to build a full miner from scratch in total, we already come quite some way and I hope we see some intrepid users trying out the FHR code in the next few days and reporting back to us. Especially with regard to poolside share counts  its ok for me! I'm testing it in the last 24h on my old rig..
At this point I am the skeptic, because we released this thing only 14 hours before your test - Maybe you did a test over night, but surely no full 24 hours yet  Never the less thank you for the positive feedback. Hi ComputeLabs! I checked the uptime and was only 12h :-) now I'm at 22h and the pool side results are very good. at least for my 'old' cards! Good job! Alex MH/s A/R Power Core Mem Temp Fan 0: GTX 1060 6G 21.1 440/0 82.0 1749 4104 48 81 1: P104-100 32.8 583/0 125.9 1923 5215 48 86 2: P104-100 32.6 582/0 127.8 1923 5215 54 91 3: P104-100 32.8 640/0 125.4 1936 5215 46 86 4: P104-100 33.1 590/0 128.2 1949 5215 39 88 5: P104-100 27.8 542/0 990.9 911 5094 44 90 6: P104-100 32.4 573/0 129.4 1898 5215 57 88 7: P104-100 33.0 642/0 125.8 1923 5215 45 89 8: P104-100 33.0 616/0 127.5 1949 5215 50 90 9: GTX 1060 6G 19.3 334/0 68.4 1587 4016 59 100 10: P104-100 33.3 605/0 123.8 1961 5215 44 90 --------------------------- Summary 331.2 6147/0 2155.3 Online since: 22h 32m 23s
Activity: 26
Merit: 2
December 08, 2021, 09:29:36 PM |
I come with my 24h test results: I have to be honest... I'm really surprised with the result of the miner, I was complete incredulous but after the 24h test, I see an amazing result, reported is nearly like average. The result after 24hours in at the pool. Reported = 689.7 Mhs Average = 686.9 Mhs (with my previous miners I was around 674-680 that's nearly 1%-2% less) Stales are also really good a bit lower than before, but that could be something with the connection. really hope you are able to open LHR with these results, to try more rigs.
ComputeLabs (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
December 09, 2021, 08:55:34 AM |
Thanks for reporting back. Really appreciate it! We are working on a LHR code and hope to have it done before the years change. Speed is looking decent there, but we still have the one or other lock that we would like to avoid for a better UX. Likely before we will add ETC support early next week and currently also researching on how to add UBIQ. Beside that one of our engineers at the moment looking into the structure of Hive and RaveOs custom miners requirements, so we can build a statistics reading API that can be used with it. Very busy to get things done 

Activity: 1559
Merit: 69
December 09, 2021, 09:08:07 AM |
Thanks for reporting back. Really appreciate it! We are working on a LHR code and hope to have it done before the years change. Speed is looking decent there, but we still have the one or other lock that we would like to avoid for a better UX. Likely before we will add ETC support early next week and currently also researching on how to add UBIQ. Beside that one of our engineers at the moment looking into the structure of Hive and RaveOs custom miners requirements, so we can build a statistics reading API that can be used with it. Very busy to get things done  Yeah statistic reading API is important. You can also ask patrike from Awesome Miner, i think he will add your miner also if you have API support.
Activity: 26
Merit: 2
December 09, 2021, 07:56:50 PM |
Thanks for reporting back. Really appreciate it! We are working on a LHR code and hope to have it done before the years change. Speed is looking decent there, but we still have the one or other lock that we would like to avoid for a better UX. Likely before we will add ETC support early next week and currently also researching on how to add UBIQ. Beside that one of our engineers at the moment looking into the structure of Hive and RaveOs custom miners requirements, so we can build a statistics reading API that can be used with it. Very busy to get things done  That will be really interesting... Is it any option to select devices in case we have a mix rig with LHR to put the NO LHR with CMiner?
Activity: 26
Merit: 2
December 11, 2021, 12:43:15 PM |
Thanks for reporting back. Really appreciate it! We are working on a LHR code and hope to have it done before the years change. Speed is looking decent there, but we still have the one or other lock that we would like to avoid for a better UX. Likely before we will add ETC support early next week and currently also researching on how to add UBIQ. Beside that one of our engineers at the moment looking into the structure of Hive and RaveOs custom miners requirements, so we can build a statistics reading API that can be used with it. Very busy to get things done  Any new information when it will be some of these updates released?
ComputeLabs (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
December 14, 2021, 08:20:48 AM |
Yes, we currently plan to have the next release tomorrow. The Team has done quite some work to get the API going and we are working in doing the HiveOS integration. Things already looking good and we just do the final polishing, so we can offer a HiveOS custom miner package for the release. 
ComputeLabs (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
December 15, 2021, 08:46:15 AM |
CMiner 21.12.15 is public!En - Added optional parameter --devices to select the graphics cards to use. Example: --devices 0,1,2 - Added optional parameter --api to activate the statistic reading api. Format is api-binding-host:api-port. Example: --api - Added optional parameter --algo for switching from Ethash to Etchash. Example: --algo etc - Added beta support for Geforce LHR graphic cards unlocking - Added ready to use HiveOS custom miner package to release packages Cn - 增加了可选参数 --devices 来选择要使用的显卡。例如:--devices 0,1,2 - 增加了可选参数--api,用于激活统计信息读取api。格式为api-binding-host:api-port。例子:--api - 增加了可选参数--algo,用于从Ethash切换到Etchash。例如:--algo etc - 增加了对Geforce LHR显卡解锁的测试支持 - 在发布的软件包中添加了可使用的HiveOS定制矿机包 Ru - Дoбaвлeн дoпoлнитeльный пapaмeтp --devices для выбopa иcпoльзyeмыx видeoкapт. Пpимep: --devices 0,1,2 - Дoбaвлeн нeoбязaтeльный пapaмeтp --api для aктивaции api чтeния cтaтиcтики. Фopмaт - api-binding-host:api-port. Пpимep: --api - Дoбaвлeн нeoбязaтeльный пapaмeтp --algo для пepeключeния c Ethash нa Etchash. Пpимep: --algo etc - Дoбaвлeнa бeтa-пoддepжкa paзблoкиpoвки гpaфичecкиx кapт Geforce LHR - Дoбaвлeн гoтoвый к иcпoльзoвaнию пaкeт пoльзoвaтeльcкoгo мaйнepa HiveOS в пaкeты peлизa

Activity: 1559
Merit: 69
December 16, 2021, 10:52:47 AM |
CMiner 21.12.15 is public!En - Added optional parameter --devices to select the graphics cards to use. Example: --devices 0,1,2 - Added optional parameter --api to activate the statistic reading api. Format is api-binding-host:api-port. Example: --api - Added optional parameter --algo for switching from Ethash to Etchash. Example: --algo etc - Added beta support for Geforce LHR graphic cards unlocking - Added ready to use HiveOS custom miner package to release packages Cn - 增加了可选参数 --devices 来选择要使用的显卡。例如:--devices 0,1,2 - 增加了可选参数--api,用于激活统计信息读取api。格式为api-binding-host:api-port。例子:--api - 增加了可选参数--algo,用于从Ethash切换到Etchash。例如:--algo etc - 增加了对Geforce LHR显卡解锁的测试支持 - 在发布的软件包中添加了可使用的HiveOS定制矿机包 Ru - Дoбaвлeн дoпoлнитeльный пapaмeтp --devices для выбopa иcпoльзyeмыx видeoкapт. Пpимep: --devices 0,1,2 - Дoбaвлeн нeoбязaтeльный пapaмeтp --api для aктивaции api чтeния cтaтиcтики. Фopмaт - api-binding-host:api-port. Пpимep: --api - Дoбaвлeн нeoбязaтeльный пapaмeтp --algo для пepeключeния c Ethash нa Etchash. Пpимep: --algo etc - Дoбaвлeнa бeтa-пoддepжкa paзблoкиpoвки гpaфичecкиx кapт Geforce LHR - Дoбaвлeн гoтoвый к иcпoльзoвaнию пaкeт пoльзoвaтeльcкoгo мaйнepa HiveOS в пaкeты peлизa How is the API looks like? Do you take a API format from another miner to see hashrate and so on in HiveOS?
ComputeLabs (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
December 17, 2021, 07:53:06 AM |
How is the API looks like? Do you take a API format from another miner to see hashrate and so on in HiveOS?
Hello Sir. Well, the API does not mimic any existing miner at the moment, but is indeed used by the custom miner package we did build for HiveOS. In fact the current Api was heavily inspired by the requirements of the Hive custom miner packages, but it is not final yet. For example we plan to add the GPU names, the watts consumed as well as the accepted and rejected shares per graphic card in the next version. At the moment the API output is a json file over http (so it can be requested via curl) with the following format - here an example of a 3070 LHR + 3070 FHR on moderate clocks. { "total_hs": 102656.72095372647, "hs": [41565.117000464095, 61091.603953262376], "hs_units": "khs", "temp": [48,61], "fan": [40,44], "uptime": 390, "ver": "21.12.15", "ar": [12,0], "bus_numbers": [2,3] }
You see the interface is very basic at the moment, but in our opinion a solid base to build upon.
Activity: 26
Merit: 2
December 17, 2021, 06:47:34 PM |
How is the API looks like? Do you take a API format from another miner to see hashrate and so on in HiveOS?
Hello Sir. Well, the API does not mimic any existing miner at the moment, but is indeed used by the custom miner package we did build for HiveOS. In fact the current Api was heavily inspired by the requirements of the Hive custom miner packages, but it is not final yet. For example we plan to add the GPU names, the watts consumed as well as the accepted and rejected shares per graphic card in the next version. At the moment the API output is a json file over http (so it can be requested via curl) with the following format - here an example of a 3070 LHR + 3070 FHR on moderate clocks. { "total_hs": 102656.72095372647, "hs": [41565.117000464095, 61091.603953262376], "hs_units": "khs", "temp": [48,61], "fan": [40,44], "uptime": 390, "ver": "21.12.15", "ar": [12,0], "bus_numbers": [2,3] }
You see the interface is very basic at the moment, but in our opinion a solid base to build upon. I'm really happy with the integration with HiveOS... it really make easy to mine and to controll it many thanks!! I have try also LHR. I have to be honest, it is not the best at the moment, but it hasn't get locked in all the test I did. I hope there will be more improvements . There are also some youtubers showing how to install it: