I'm looking for a web designer for a new version of mtgox.com. Payment is made of bitcoins, amount is negociable.
The requirements are :
- Must have good design skills
- I want you to produce HTML/CSS/JS, not PSD. This announce is for both the design *and* the html coding. I want you to actually code a bit in a specific template language (if, foreach, etc) because I'm lazy.
- Ideally I'd like to have someone who can stay around and continue working on improving the site/adding new features
- If you already know about mtgox, it'll help
The idea is to improve the design on the mtgox website, and to add some features. Some pages will need changes to add new features (such as bank info input on withdraw, or multiple currency support).
You can send your infos/price/portfolio/etc to
info@mtgox.com or comment on this thread (I'll update this post if extra info is available).