I sent a Payment from one electrum Wallet to another, it's been about 24Hours soon and the payment has not yet to show up on the receiving end, anyone know why ?
Please se the image bellow.
1. Your strategy to hide info makes it hard for us to understand where the problem is, but it's not well hidden and if one wants to find out source address, recipient address and everything - it can be done with the info still on that picture.
2. I see it has 118 confirmations. I'd start with checking the recipient address if it's exactly what's expected, since clipboard malware may "help" you send to unexpected addresses.
Then you should see if the recipient did check correctly (is it you? is the wallet properly connected to a node and synced?) and if you check the recipient address on a block explorer (blockchair.com, memplool.space) you can see for yourself whether the money is there. Also the recipient may be hacked or lying. The transaction history for that address should tell the story, but since you didn't post the address, you'll have to check for yourself.