On 6th December 2021, they tell me they disabled my account because my bank made a recall for a transfer of XXXX EUR on 16th September 2021. I ask for details, they refuse to give me anything, they won't even tell me from what bank account it has been sent and tell me I should contact my bank.
I finally found by myself where the transfer came from, I explain Kraken and show proofs that I'm not the one who made the recall and this bank account has been closed months ago. I tried to contact the bank but they replied they cannot help me because I'm not one of their customers...
So, Kraken says that they've received a refund request for a deposit you've made on the 16th, or what does that recall mean?
You tried to contact the bank and they denied releasing the info because you're no longer a customer?
The second one doesn't make sense, every bank under EU jurisdiction must hold the information about your account for 5 years and they are by law required to provide you with a statement, of course, won't be free since you're not a client but they must provide that.
How did you find out about the transfer if neither Kraken nor your bank are releasing that info to you?
You're withholding some information from this, I'm almost sure of it, but hey that's your decision!
Anyhow, the steps are clear if you have nothing to hide and you know you haven't done anything wrong, a letter to the FBF first for your bank statements and information about that transfer and then the AMF for the Kraken issues, they are both required to give you an answer on your issue, positive or not.
With that you go and contact a lawyer, going first to a lawyer won't solve much as this stage will still need to be cleared, your lawyer will just tax you more for it for extra work you can do yourself.