Sometimes we do not understand the important of network fees, Can we really share out thought and talk about the important of network fees to other wallet that is not Blockchain, this usually courses delays in confirmation and People do neglect it, And yet alot of people do complain on the delays ok there transactions.
If transactions must be confirmed by something real which can be miners, stakers, nodes, validators, banks, etc. it should have transaction cost as part of income for such entities. If not, how transactions can be confirmed, done and how network on which transactions will be moved around will work.
Each network has its own capacity, block size, block time, etc. all of them affect the transaction fee for us. In general, with same capacity, if a network has higher demand, more waiting transactions, we will have to pay more expensive for our transaction as transaction fee.
Some days as weekends when less transactions are waiting on network, so we might have cheaper transaction fee.