Op is promoting a meme coin which can be considered as okey cause others also do promotions. but the fact is, force coin seems scam and op trying to promoting this scam for his own benefit. Total Supply is 1 JEDI, is surprising to me. Its possible to make money from meme coins if it can be handle correctly during purchase or sell but don't found any options where people could make money with this scam.
If it is proven that what is promoted by the OP is a SCAM, then act immediately to inform everyone so that everyone ignores it and certain parties can also provide understanding to the OP so that he can realize that what he is promoting is a SCAM.
When you first click on this topic, there is already a warning message dispalyed. Hope this will help people not to fall for this meme coin scam.
Warning: One or more bitcointalk.org users have reported that they believe that the creator of this topic displays some red flags which make them high-risk. (Check their trust page to see the detailed trust ratings.) While the bitcointalk.org administration does not verify such claims, you should proceed with extreme caution.
These warning banners will disappear when you have 7 days of login time. You should familiarize yourself with the trust system before then.