y0 everyone, i am glad i have found your forum..
i am living in canada, toronto suburbs, and i have 5 banknotes, each one is 100btc..
and a female pal of mine told i can trade them here for fiat currency and each one of them bears the value printed on it..
i would like if somebody could tell me how and where to exchange them for ca$, these 5 indie currency certificates, because i cant use them here at gas station to buy a pack of "camel", sadly..
here are the pics i took:
five of them together:
http://www.theMeditate.com/personal/pics/my_btc_note_03.jpgfront side:
http://www.theMeditate.com/personal/pics/my_btc_note_01.jpgreverse side:
http://www.theMeditate.com/personal/pics/my_btc_note_02.jpgiHop someone answers this..