Do you have any suggestions for a new well maintained Bitcoin python library for production use instead of testing?
I'm not a python programmer to be familiar with the libraries and their pros and cons but I've seen
bitcoinlib be used in a couple of places and it seems to be actively developed. It also has a
doc you could read.
Depending on your use case you may want to look into using Electrum wallet software too. It is written in python and it can handle address creation and much more.
Thanks @pooya87 I have heard about Bitcoinlib and have tested with it in the past. Its not what I am looking for, yes Electrum is good totally agree with that.
Do you have any suggestions for a new well maintained Bitcoin python library for production use instead of testing?
I'm not a python programmer to be familiar with the libraries and their pros and cons but I've seen
bitcoinlib be used in a couple of places and it seems to be actively developed. It also has a
doc you could read.
pycoin is also quite popular and partially support altcoin as well. The
documentation also exist, although i find it's not easy to read.
Thanks @ETFbitcoin I tried pycoin in the past its a really good library, but again its not what I am looking for. I just need a library that can do this specific task it doesn’t need to provide too many things.
There is a helpful blog post at provides the code to generate the P2SH address from a public key with minimal dependencies.
This is the only thing that needs to be installed:
(base) zenulabidin@artanis:~/Documents$ pip install git+
Collecting git+
Cloning to /tmp/pip-req-build-bqskxgsa
Running command git clone -q /tmp/pip-req-build-bqskxgsa
Requirement already satisfied: ecdsa in /home/zenulabidin/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ecdsa-0.16.1-py3.8.egg (from bip32utils==0.3.post3) (0.16.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.9.0 in /home/zenulabidin/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from ecdsa->bip32utils==0.3.post3) (1.15.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: bip32utils
Building wheel for bip32utils ( ... done
Created wheel for bip32utils: filename=bip32utils-0.3.post3-py3-none-any.whl size=10415 sha256=105abc933ae4057dd876b844ec6efc2167c31c9679e6997d187bd8ae186d16a4
Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-7_7ylb1d/wheels/04/0c/5b/e5ed2d7087a4d71bcfb1491071e94c657e4b3eeeb09bb362d2
Successfully built bip32utils
Installing collected packages: bip32utils
Successfully installed bip32utils-0.3.post3
Then you can run the code in the link:
import hashlib
def hash160(x): # Both accepts & returns bytes
return'ripemd160', hashlib.sha256(x).digest()).digest()
from bip32utils import Base58
def p2wpkh_in_p2sh_addr(pk, testnet=False):
Compressed public key (hex string) -> p2wpkh nested in p2sh address. 'SegWit address.'
# Script sig is just PUSH(20){hash160(cpk)}
push_20 = bytes.fromhex("0014")
script_sig = push_20 + hash160(bytes.fromhex(pk))
# Address is then prefix + hash160(script_sig)
prefix = b"\xc4" if testnet else b"\x05"
address = Base58.check_encode(prefix + hash160(script_sig))
return address
>>> pub = "03a1af804ac108a8a51782198c2d034b28bf90c8803f5a53f76276fa69a4eae77f"
>>> p2wpkh_in_p2sh_addr(pub)
>>> p2wpkh_in_p2sh_addr(pub, testnet=True)
I ran the examples above and I was able to reproduce them (there is a small function error in the original post, hash160_bytes should be just hash160).
Thanks @NotATether the code does work
, thats what I was looking for specifically.