Building a layer 1 protocol. Most similar to Avalance and Nano. If any guys willing to help please message me.
We have a working prototype and are 10 years plus IT and security specialists with PhDs, so we are not dreaming in clouds...
Can you showcase the project concept or at least a brief introduction you are building here aside from you mentioned it same like avax and nano.
Btw you needed help? Or you are outsourcing for a job like marketing or developer side. If its like that pitch to service announcement and post properly like you are looking for one to work for you.
Yes. Project is It's got a new dPoV, delegated proof of vote consensous alggoritm, and the block lattice structure from Nano. Some of the features:
-Block-lattice DAG
-dPoV consensus (delegated proof of vote)
-Parallel sync chain
-Predefined smart contracts
-Voting packet-based distribution
-No fees
-Payment reference number
-Payment requests
-Time-limited transactions (now or never)
So it's really a robust protocol. Not cheating like Avalanche with this randomized sampling, which will probably cause them major syncronization problems down the road.