I was recently reading a bit of the WO thread (there are always some very good discussions there), and I found this amazing post about bitcoin energy consumption:
Shame on all of you filthy Bitcoin holders. I'm done with this dirty practice. I cannot be part of this disgusting ethical money system any more!
End of!
From the pictorial representation above, no sane person will compare the energy consumption of bitcoin and every other sector. I think it is to obvious for anyone to make such comparison but this is as a result of the hate doled out by government on Bitcoin because they feel they have no control over it. All this to help their agenda of not making crypto currency a legal tender in their countries.
the post of bitcoin bunny with the image. was not bitcoin bunny hating on bitcoin. it was sarcasm/satire.
.. in the link below the image in the topic post is more charts and data. but some seem to be over exagerating still
take the so called 79TWH number
we all know by now that current gen asics are 110thash for 3.25kw
we all know that the hashrate is 195exahash
thats 1772727asics which is
5761367kw per hour
5761mw per hour
5.76gw per hour
which is over a year
well. thats based on if the hashrate was always 195exahash every hour of every day
.. well its not. hashrate is not static. and most people have had years to upgrade to current gen asics.
the cambridge reports assumptions are guesses of a large mix of inefficient asics.
the actual average for the year is 147exa.
meaning a better guess than cambridge assumed guess. (they even have an explainer page where assume and guess is mentioned many times))
the better "guess" is more like 38twh/year
and where it comes to the 56% renewable figure.. well other reports are not basing that on actual county/states renewable % vs a asic farm inside that county/state. instead it took a national view and guessed.
asic farms are predominantly in renewable area's im guessing 85%+
so when the reports show 79twh of 56% renewable. = 34twh being 'dirty'
the real and better guess is more about 38twh of 85% renewable = 5.7twh being 'dirty'
heres what my cynical mind is thinking in regards to why these reports are done:
by over inflating the power usage. and deflating the renewable %. they can make 'a mountain out of a molehill'
(make a small thing seem like a big thing)
thus the pen and paper waving politicians can then make some climate regulation to inspect asic farms and make a new report showing suddenly due to regulation. suddenly the
(Cough)good work
(Cough) of politicians turned 79TWH of dirty into 5.7TWH of dirty
(meanwhile in reality nothing has changed to asic farms)
done so just to get some political pats on backs and also some nice juice donations from climate advocate groups