Can the moderator who posted my thread in the service discussion forum delete it as it should be here?
I had asked in a thread here on how to verify ElectrumG and gotten few replies on it and I appreciate that information. I would first want to claim my bitcoin SV first since that is higher value.
I had btc in electrum throughout every single bitcoin fork. Then sent the btc from electrum to nano ledger. I only claimed my BCH a while back when I entered electrum seed into electroncash and BCH was there. Then sent the BCH to my nano ledger and it's been there ever since.
I want to claim my bitcoin sv and either keep it in the wallet or another wallet. From what I check online, you can use electrumSV with nano ledger, or use software wallet like trustwallet and atomic wallet.
I know I could also send to exchange and sell it. took a look at the instructions for verifying electrumSV. anyone here done this with electrumSV and it was easy for them? I am doing this on another windows pc. I looked through the instructions and I see there are like three ways of verifying it. The first method seems very simple and it doesn't require you to do much beside just check what it says and just match it... is that enough? Says in article that it should be enough.
I took a look at the digital signature method and that appears correct.
When I try to do the second method of command prompt and used certutil, it doesn't seem to work.
Then you need to change the directory until you are in the same directory as the file you wish to get a checksum for. The cd command is used for this. Then you can use the certutil command to generate a SHA 256 checksum for that file. The syntax is certutil --hashfile <filename> SHA256, but remember you need to replace <filename> with the actual file name. You can see an illustration of this in the image below.
But how do i make sure i'm in the downloads folder before I do this?
It shows
But when i enter everything as mentioned in the steps, it did not work. I know I'm making a mistake here as I remember I had to make sure I'm in the correct folder and last time when I tried to verify ledger live, HCP told me I was opening it from the wrong area. Can someone here tell me what I'm doing wrong specifically here?