There is a different between fact and truth. Fact is the process in which someone see or hear something at a particular time or moment. Examples:
1. It was a fact that Ebi was with Pius wife in the room but it was not true that they had sex.
2. It is the fact that almost every country in the world deals with crypto currencies even though some nations banned it at some point in time in there States but later approved or had the decision to reviewed and taken it back.
Truth is the process of confirming, accepting what has been seen or heard of. Examples:
1. It is true that Nigeria is the Second largest Bitcoin Trading Country in the world. It is not true that all the countries which use crypto currencies have the machines to dispense the hardcopy of the currencies.
Another truth is that most of the youths, women, men, pastors, Christians and Muslims still believe that crypto currency is a scam or gamble which will die off like Money Making Machine (MMM).
I was also among these group of people after my first encounter/experience in one of the crypto currency seminar in my locality which I posted at the " Beginners & Help" forum.
The fact is that crypto currency is real, but it is not true that everybody believes it, because other fiat currencies are also used for online transactions and also physical transaction and crypto currencies for them is only for online transactions, therefore, it's meant for scammers and gamblers.
So, how do we convince those set of people to know that crypto currency is not for scammers or gamblers but for genuine business transactions of online and offline? I know a lot of people disbelieve this currency.
Is there any avenue for them to see and know the truth , not only the fact but the " TRUTH"?
Nigeria being the second to USA in the crypto currency trading is tagged or regarded as a scammer's nation or internet fraudster's nation. This come with a complete disregard for the many crypto business entrepreneurs in the country and also sends a negative image for the currency.
I was also using these two elements to analyse crypto currency. Which are:
1. Fact
2. Truth.
I was having the fact that crypto currency did exist but I was not convinced that it is for gentle men like pastors, Christians, age men/women, but I was believing that is is for scammers and internet fraudsters and hackers to deceive people.
When I had the conviction, I became interested to know more.
I am saying this from personal experience on fact and truth..
Is any of this verifiable?