1. Can I own more than one private and public key? For instance, I want to send my public key to more than one person to receive bitcoin. Can I send same public key to them to receive the bitcoin and unlock with the same private key? Or a new one needs to be generated when sending to more than one person?
You may have as many keys/addresses as you want. You may also use one address for everything - as long as it is not a problem for you that different senders will see your other transactions. A "good habit" is to use different addresses for different purposes or even generate a new address for each incoming transaction.
But from technical point of view, there is no limitation.
BTW, you want to send "public address" maybe, not "public key", right?
2. What does the public key starts with the number “04”?
Public key starting with "04" has "uncompressed" format, which means it contains both X and Y parameter of the point it represents - key is "long".
Otherwise, you may have key which starts with "02" or "03", and then it contains only X param of the point. Y could be deducted, depending if it should be "positive" or "negative" (higher or lower on the curve).
You may compare it for example here:
https://learnmeabitcoin.com/technical/public-keySince around 2013 uncompressed keys are almost not used.