● Week 1 (04/04 - 10/04
-Spreadsheet №: 372
-Forum Username:
● Twitter Report ● Twitter Profile:
https://twitter.com/catdefiorg ●Links to 2 posts (text + username + hashtag + picture):
1. (06/04)
2. (day/month)
●Links to 5 Quote (like❤️+text + username + hashtag):
1. (06/04)
2. (06/04)
3. (day/month)
4. (day/month)
5. (day/month)
● Week 1 (04/04 - 10/04
-Spreadsheet №: 356
-Forum Username: Bounty787
● Facebook Report ● Facebook Profile:
https://www.facebook.com/ladlla.rana.14 ●Links to posts (text + username + hashtag + picture):
1. (06/04)
2. (day/month)
●Links to Quote (like❤️+text + username + hashtag):
1. (06/04)
2. (06/04)
3. (day/month)
4. (day/month)
5. (day/month)