Now since obviously terra/luna/2.0/11.0 won't do in the future anything remarkable other than dying faster than they climbed in the Twitter wall of spam fame, I was a bit intrigued by another token !
The team behind it had made a lots of mistakes which could have been prevented if they had listened to advise from other investors and holders. They thought things would go easier if they relaunch another Terra Luna which many investors never supported at the earlier stage of the consensus. I don't think any wise and experienced investors would ever believe in the project have a great potential.
Unfortunately I have gambled with them before, but in the end I lost. LOL
Yea, gambling is all about risk and luck 😂
Sometimes taking risk could help to earn a big fortune but the reverse can be very disappointing which is why we should always take risks that will not take our live if we eventually miss luck or end up losing.
We need to be strong all day even in our deep weakness.
The short term advantage is obvious to those who have a lot of bets.
It always involves risk management dude! Sometimes it looks easy for those that have large capital which there least 1% capital can be a lots of money to those of us that have smaller funds. You know all fingers are never equal.
Now I think everyone who owns these two coins is a person who still wants to bet with time until they finally realize they are out very late.
Take a look at this pic
Everything in life is opportunity and timing. When others are complaining about how bad something is, some persons that see opportunity in such a thing will be taking advantage in making thousands of dollars while others are lamenting at the wrong timing. Even at this time that the crypto market is down, some investors are complaining of their loses while the wise ones are taking advantage in buying and accumulating some holdings.
Everything in life has both advantages and disadvantages for those you can see through.