So you mean buying a cooling system, is not worth it for a big rig, because it is expensive and with standard fans, similar results are easily achievable.
most often that is correct.
your room could use 2 fans
I would try this below. Also what is the white unit on the right ?
The box to the right is a big and efficient heating fan, but it is totally disabled since i have the rig, obviously.
The window is not to the top of the image, but there is one on top of the right heating fan and another one, 5 meters about in the opposite direction, so in the direction of the bottom of the image.
So the single big external fan(on the back of the rig), blows all the hot air towards the main window and, for now that the weather it's cold yet, it keeps the environment perfectly confortable.
Indeed, nonetheless keeping both the windows open, the very big room temperature is softly hot, however and this allow me to totally turn off my home heating system.
This is a clear money saving, in the cold season.
The problem will arise soon in some months, when the weather will be very hot(south Italy, Calabria) and then i think i will be forced to keep my air conditioner always on.
This is an image from the back of my rig, where there is the external big fan and here you can see the 4 little fans on the top.

I ran all the cables from the outside, as you can see, so that there is no barrier to the hot air flow.
Just to give you an idea of the size of the environment, this is my living room and what you see in the following image, is about an half of it.
You can see the rig in the bottom left, very small.