Bitcoin promotes freedom, but it isn't an absolute path to freedom. You're still subject to the jurisdiction of your local government. Right now you're witnessing the attempt of most governments to regulate bitcoin by requiring registration information of miners and crypto users or taxing it at exorbitant rates. Bitcoin makes financial regulations easier to circumvent, but again, you're bound by law. Now, you're not bound by the government's poor decision to handle monetary policy, though. Whatever your local government might do to drive the currency into the ground has no consequence to a self reliant crypto user.
Yes, you are right but if you look at it as the p2p level Bitcoin offers its users total freedom as you own your keys and your wallet, and you can transfer to any wallet of choice without any interference from the government. The drawback will only come when you move out of the decentralized system to centralized services, so if you use Bitcoin as a decentralized alternative currency then you are sure of total freedom but when you via in for the use of third-party Bitcoin services such as exchange and the rest you begin to lose your freedom and start exposing your privacy.