2nd Week = 13/05/2022 - 20/05/2022 (UPCOMING)
Campaign Telegram
Campaign Link:
https://t.me/kuntungroxoMessage link
1. (day1-15/05) month) LINK1
https://t.me/millionclub_21/57572. (day2-16/05) month) LINK2
3. (day3-17/05) month) LINK3
2nd Week = 13/05/2022 - 20/05/2022 (UPCOMING)
-Forum Username: silondoks
Your Twitter Account Name: @salsa82842367
● Twitter Report ●
Twitter Profile:
https://twitter.com/salsa82842367 ●Links to 2 Tweet (text + username + hashtag + picture):
1. (day 1-15/05) Link1
https://twitter.com/salsa82842367/status/1525542496729964544 2. (day 2-16/05) Link2
●Links to 2 Retweet: (like❤️+text + username + hashtag):
1. (day1-15/05) Link1
https://twitter.com/salsa82842367/status/1525542331130478593 2. (day2-16/05) Link2
2nd Week = 13/05/2022 - 20/05/2022
Bitcointalk username: silondoks
Username Discord : salmasalsa600#0550
Message link
1. (day1-15/05) month) LINK1
https://discord.com/channels/958439964704661595/960116297365065759/9751015912690360722. (day2-16/05) month) LINK2
3. (day3-17/05) month) LINK3
2nd Week = 13/05/2022 - 20/05/2022
BitcoinTalk Name: silondoks
Your Facebook Account Name: salmasalsa123
Your Facebook Profile Link:
https://web.facebook.com/salmasalsa123●Links to 2 posts (text + username + hashtag )
1. (day 1-15/05) month) Link1
https://web.facebook.com/salmasalsa123/posts/390335396440537 2. (day 2-16/05) month) Link2
●Links to 2 Share (like❤️+text + username + hashtag):
1. (day1-15/05) month) Link1
https://web.facebook.com/salmasalsa123/posts/390335073107236 2. (day2-17/05) month) Link2