Week 2: 18/05/2022 - 24/05/2022
Type of campaign: Discord
Spreadsheet N0: 434
Your invite link:
Day 1:
Link to screenshot of comment;
https://prnt.sc/5IxQ8SABELsNLink to screenshot of comment;
https://prnt.sc/0GQxGw80ZG4iDay 2:
Link to screenshot of comment;
https://prnt.sc/N7Hub7ZU3bwNLink to screenshot of comment;
https://prnt.sc/9SnJ-ERsF-BDDay 3
Link to screenshot of comment;
https://prnt.sc/iuwPPg5v3bS0Link to screenshot of comment;
https://prnt.sc/L904-pmWlOnvDay 4:
Link to screenshot of comment;
https://prnt.sc/IgiNcPVmwnDLLink to screenshot of comment;
https://prnt.sc/Y12Sp5jS9EtVDay 5
Link to screenshot of comment;
https://prnt.sc/jTtvFZzSwKfzLink to screenshot of comment;