Welcome to Safemoon 2.0Everyone deserves a second chance.
10% Liquidity Tax
Contract Renounced
Liquidity locked forever
Every sell makes us stronger.
We are all familiar with Safemoon and their famous 5% reflection and 5% liquidity which made safemoon insanely hard to dump so we created SAFEMOON 2.0
What is the difference?
We pumped up liquidity tax to 10% on buy/sells and that is it. Each time someone buys or sells SAFEMOON 2.0 10% of that will go to our liquidity making it more and more stable after each buy and sell.
Every buy/sell will make our floor stronger than it ever was, with the right volume we will be unstoppable!
We have also included a 2% max tx limit and a 2% max wallet to really make this unbreakable (something SafeMoon never had) and this will make us even more trustworthy than ever!
Join us on our journey !