rum19980 (OP)
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
May 26, 2022, 12:32:21 PM |
May 26, 2022, 12:58:02 PM |
I will never ever believe with any tokens that listed on yobit. This is another scam token. It's better if you never try to deal with this token. Yobit is a very well known as the worst exchange site. This has been scamming so many people that registered as its users. There are bunch of complaints for yobit and none of these complaints ever got resolved. This is a scam. There will no be squid game token.
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| | | | | | . Listed on
May 26, 2022, 07:29:40 PM |
Good luck, maybe you haven't learned from Squid investor's experience or you are here to chill this shitcoin and hoping to catch some victims. You already know this is a shitcoin that will end up rug pulling like the initial squid coin, why would you want to take a worthless risk when the market had given you the opportunity to buy good coins at a very cheap price? You will rather gamble with a shitcoin and cry later when they exit through the back door.
Activity: 2744
Merit: 2684
May 26, 2022, 07:57:06 PM |
Most of the tokens traded on Yobit are not worthy of attention and often turn out to be scam. Even their dubious invest box comes to mind. It's definitely not worth investing in, it's just another scam that nobody needs and hasn't been of any interest to traders for a long time, the volatility is zero. Such shitcoins are easy to buy but very hard to sell.
May 26, 2022, 08:40:53 PM |
Most of the tokens traded on Yobit are not worthy of attention and often turn out to be scam. Even their dubious invest box comes to mind. It's definitely not worth investing in, it's just another scam that nobody needs and hasn't been of any interest to traders for a long time, the volatility is zero. Such shitcoins are easy to buy but very hard to sell.
Considering that Yobit here in the forum had a bad reputation, we can see that it won't turn out to be something worthy to be invested at. I can still remember when Yobit was like a hot topic here in the forum due to its bad reputation of being a scam exchange, lol.
May 26, 2022, 09:12:11 PM |
If you want to loose your money, this is the perfect coin to invest. Squid was one of the biggest scams of the last year so guarantee that Squid2 will also be a scam. It will probably pump and dump massively but it is way too risky for me to invest in. Chances are too high to loose your money.
May 26, 2022, 09:59:15 PM |
I will never ever believe with any tokens that listed on yobit. This is another scam token. It's better if you never try to deal with this token. Yobit is a very well known as the worst exchange site. This has been scamming so many people that registered as its users. There are bunch of complaints for yobit and none of these complaints ever got resolved. This is a scam. There will no be squid game token.
Yobit + this kind of projects? perfect marriage of a scam. So I wouldn't be surprised if Yobit allow it to be listed on their exchange because of their reputation. It's just sad that there are still investors willing to take a big risk on such projects when we all know that they might rug pull and exit scam anytime. So even if it increase ten fold, I still wouldn't invest my money on them. And for those who have been in crypto for so long, Yobit is one exchange not to be trusted.
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ANONYMOUS & INSTANT .......ONLINE CASINO....... | │ | ▄███████████████████████▄ █████████████████████████ █████████████████████████ ████████▀▀▀▀▀▀███████████ ████▀▀▀█░▀▀░░░░░░▄███████ ████░▄▄█▄▄▀█▄░░░█▄░▄█████ ████▀██▀░▄█▀░░░█▀░░██████ ██████░░▄▀░░░░▐░░░▐█▄████ ██████▄▄█░▀▀░░░█▄▄▄██████ █████████████████████████ █████████████████████████ █████████████████████████ ▀███████████████████████▀ | ▄███████████████████████▄ █████████████████████████ ██████████▀░░░▀██████████ █████████░░░░░░░█████████ ████████░░░░░░░░░████████ ████████░░░░░░░░░████████ █████████▄░░░░░▄█████████ ███████▀▀▀█▄▄▄█▀▀▀███████ ██████░░░░▄░▄░▄░░░░██████ ██████░░░░█▀█▀█░░░░██████ ██████░░░░░░░░░░░░░██████ █████████████████████████ ▀███████████████████████▀ | ▄███████████████████████▄ █████████████████████████ ██████████▀▀▀▀▀▀█████████ ███████▀▀░░░░░░░░░███████ ██████▀░░░░░░░░░░░░▀█████ ██████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀████ ██████▄░░░░░░▄▄░░░░░░████ ████▀▀▀▀▀░░░█░░█░░░░░████ ████░▀░▀░░░░░▀▀░░░░░█████ ████░▀░▀▄░░░░░░▄▄▄▄██████ █████░▀░█████████████████ █████████████████████████ ▀███████████████████████▀ | .
SLOT GAMES ....SPORTS.... LIVE CASINO | │ | ▄░░▄█▄░░▄ ▀█▀░▄▀▄░▀█▀ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ █████████████ █░░░░░░░░░░░█ █████████████ ▄▀▄██▀▄▄▄▄▄███▄▀▄ ▄▀▄██▄███▄█▄██▄▀▄ ▄▀▄█▐▐▌███▐▐▌█▄▀▄ ▄▀▄██▀█████▀██▄▀▄ ▄▀▄█████▀▄████▄▀▄ ▀▄▀▄▀█████▀▄▀▄▀ ▀▀▀▄█▀█▄▀▄▀▀ | Regional Sponsor of the Argentina National Team |
May 26, 2022, 10:51:39 PM |
I just want to make it clear that it doesn't have to be kn Yobit to be a scam. The very first Squid token was a rugpull so I don't understand why another developer would use the same name. They may just be trolling and mocking the crypto community hoping to get some profit off newbies in the process. You cannot take this project seriously.
Activity: 3304
Merit: 1085
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
May 26, 2022, 11:52:13 PM |
This scam exchange site keep creating more and more non sense token for their own agenda. I will not be surprised if there would be so many people who god scammed caused by that., im sure that squid2 was another scam token created by yobit to follow the hype in the past. This token has no chance to grow up. Yobit was a scam and squid2 was also another scam. People are very dumb to keep betting into the scam token like that. Are you having connection with yobit? it seems like you are always asking about any tokens that related with yobit.
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Activity: 65
Merit: 12
May 27, 2022, 07:09:41 AM |
Upon all the good altcoins in the market right now the only one you choose to invest money on is a Squid token from Yobit, do you know what Yobit exchange is capable of? Any tokens or projects that find it's way to Yobit are automatically done for.
May 27, 2022, 10:38:55 AM |
Upon all the good altcoins in the market right now the only one you choose to invest money on is a Squid token from Yobit, do you know what Yobit exchange is capable of? Any tokens or projects that find it's way to Yobit are automatically done for.
Why invest in Squid tokens, while there are many other top altcoins that are worth investing in when the market is down, you should recommend an altcoin that has the potential to invest compared to shitcoins that have a negative impact on investors.
May 27, 2022, 10:48:26 AM |
Looking at the name, it seems that there is a very strong guess if this token is really determined, what I know is that the squid token is a token that has never rugpulled, although the token you recommend may be able to generate large profits in the short term but no one knows how long we can hold it, better leave it because there is a possibility this token will rugpull like the squid game.
Full Member
Activity: 824
Merit: 104
PredX - AI-Powered Prediction Market
May 27, 2022, 12:09:21 PM |
A piece of trash listed on a trash exchange and not worthy of concern. It's funny how some people are still optimistic about projects like this. Let's be more realistic in finding transparent projects in this space. Today we see too many useless products because let's improve our knowledge and spend a lot of time with transparent things like BTC ETH DOT BNB,... don't care about shitcoins.
Activity: 2800
Merit: 4140
May 27, 2022, 12:19:30 PM |
Is SQUID2 from squidgame that scam coin [1]? There are a lot of negative indicators that will make you stay away from this currency: - It is listed into a suspicious platform. - It bears a suspicious name. - It is promoted by an unknown account. - It does not provide any additional benefit. In short, avoid it. [1] How a Squid Game Crypto Scam Got Away With Millions
May 27, 2022, 12:47:16 PM |
Don't invite people to take a risk this is one risk that's not worth it, anything that's coming or being traded on Yobit is not safe even getting an account and trading there is a high risk, they are one notorious scam exchange, and should not be trusted and apart from there are tokens that are named Squid after the famous squid game that scam millions worth of dollars from investors. The token supply has nothing to do with investing if it looks like a scam whatever the number of the supply it will still scam people.
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Activity: 3122
Merit: 1029
May 27, 2022, 04:11:39 PM |
Another scam project, i just marked anything related with yobit exchange site as a scam. The first squid game was a scam. I think that if you are also know so well about this. That doesn't make sense if you didn't know about this but why are you only bumping your thread without even giving a feedback. that looks so strange for me. Are you a part of yobit team? You are bumping your crypto shit talk forum thread so many times without even answering any posts on that thread. This is another one.
Activity: 3388
Merit: 1105
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
May 27, 2022, 04:19:59 PM |
Another scam project, i just marked anything related with yobit exchange site as a scam. The first squid game was a scam. I think that if you are also know so well about this. That doesn't make sense if you didn't know about this but why are you only bumping your thread without even giving a feedback. that looks so strange for me. Are you a part of yobit team? You are bumping your crypto shit talk forum thread so many times without even answering any posts on that thread. This is another one.
what is the likelihood that yobit is behind this token? this will be another scam token and there's no reason for this token to be a good investment. for sure, they are just attracting naive buyers that will jump on the idea that they may possibly get rich quick. possible that it may have x10 increase and then what? it will suddenly nose dive its price. so if you want to invest, take your risk and hopefully, you are not one of the buyers at its peak. because once it goes down, there's no revival of this token as it will be dead soon.
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May 27, 2022, 04:39:35 PM |
I haven't come across the yobit exchange in a long time. Yobit exchange usually lists scam tokens as experienced users here say, so you should stay away from the token you mentioned. It would be utter nonsense to take that much risk during bear season. Instead of thinking about winning, you should try to protect the assets you have.
May 27, 2022, 05:01:47 PM |
on what basis do you say SQUID2 is very good for investment? where is your analysis? I will never ever believe with any tokens that listed on yobit. This is another scam token. It's better if you never try to deal with this token. Yobit is a very well known as the worst exchange site. This has been scamming so many people that registered as its users. There are bunch of complaints for yobit and none of these complaints ever got resolved. This is a scam. There will no be squid game token.
right, Yobit is a pathetic exchange, how can a centralized exchange list a scam token like this, it's really bad luck if someone buys this scam token.
Activity: 2744
Merit: 2684
May 27, 2022, 09:17:20 PM |
Most of the tokens traded on Yobit are not worthy of attention and often turn out to be scam. Even their dubious invest box comes to mind. It's definitely not worth investing in, it's just another scam that nobody needs and hasn't been of any interest to traders for a long time, the volatility is zero. Such shitcoins are easy to buy but very hard to sell.
Considering that Yobit here in the forum had a bad reputation, we can see that it won't turn out to be something worthy to be invested at. I can still remember when Yobit was like a hot topic here in the forum due to its bad reputation of being a scam exchange, lol. I can not take this exchange seriously, because it looks little like an exchange. It looks more like some kind of gambling entertainment platform disguised as an exchange. These strange services, strange drawings of incomprehensible tokens, which are only on this exchange, and which are not even on coinmarketcap. In general, I don't see the point of investing in tokens that are only available on one particular centralized exchange. It should be clear right away that this is a high-risk investment. And besides, are there any investors who were able to get really rich from investing in these exclusive yobit tokens? In my opinion, the answer is obvious. It's not an investment, it's gambling.