If it passes, it would make New York the first state in the country to ban blockchain technology infrastructure"
That is not "blockchain technology infrastructurre". It merely bans mining operations that generate coins in the blockchain, and
only those running with carbon as a power source (and no others).
I know that in the depressed ads market, news sites need every click they can get, but they can get them without lying to people, you know. :/
As usual, miners will find a way around this.
I don't think that it's total clickbait, it's more along the lines of they don't understand it.
NY is trying to do 2 things at the same time that LOOK to the unknowing to be going in different directions. But can actually be seen as going in the same.
In what is known as upstate NY there is a lot of green energy and such. Almost total usage.
HOWEVER, it is not that populated and does not have that much industry as compared to the rest of the state.
Or to put in another way. NY has about 20 million people living in about 55,000 square miles (145,000 km2) [approx numbers]
Long Island is 1400 of those square miles with 8 million of those people living there
Manhattan is 24 square miles with 1.7 million people
The Bronx and Staten Island are about another 2 million people living in 175 square miles.
So more then 1/2 the population lives in less the 10% of the space.
Very little green power is generated here just due to the amounts needed and lack of space. The rest of NY can get away with hydro and other greener sources.
In order to meet green goals they are trying to make sure that what is built does come in and stay green.
So they are pushing the tech end so to speak:
https://fortune.com/2022/02/01/new-york-city-silicon-valley-cryptocurrency-startup-funding/While trying to also keep mining clean.
Will it work? No idea, get back to me in a couple of years and I'll let you know :-)