They have filed for bankruptcy and what happens to those remaining funds from their customers?
When bankruptcy happens, you only can hope that you belong to customers who will get compensation. That is solely hope.
In order to avoid panic (when crisis happens), uncertainty (when crisis is on-going and not handled) and hopeless hope (when bankruptcy occurs), avoid to store your coins on third party services. If you want to cash out, do it and withdraw your money as soon as possible.
If you store your money on third party sites too long, and feel that you are completely safe based on their past reputation, that contains risk. Black swan events can kill any company and you can be one of victims.
That's really a must when we've started to see those platforms filing their bankruptcy. I guess those customers that still got left on Voyager with their funds really have to wait for their final announcement what shall happen to them with the funds.
I just hope that those that have remaining huge funds on them will be refunded.
And they didn't just filed a bankruptcy but they've got something for those customers that have been with them at their best and still the funds stuck on them.