That won't work on Windows. There is a way to do it from the command line, but since the OP is using Bitcoin QT it's easier to just use the built-in console. Open Bitcoin GUI, click on "Window" in the top menu, then click on "Console" (or press CTRL+T,) then type reindex and hit enter.
He wont be able to open the console if Bitcoin Core itself can't be opened; plus -reindex is a command-line option not an RPC command.
cabat your options are PawGo's suggestion or by creating a shortcut.
To expand the cmd method, you must cd (
change directory) to bitcoin-qt's directory before entering commands.
For example (
default installation directory), open command prompt, then type:
cd C:\Program Files\Bitcoin
cmd's dir will change from "
C:\Users\(username)>" into "
C:\Program Files\Bitcoin>", then launch Bitcoin Core GUI with
--reindex parameter:
After that, Bitcoin Core will look like it's downloading blocks again but it's not (
unless your blockchain is pruned).
It will still take a lot of time to finish though.
For the shortcut method:
Go to Bitcoin's installation directory where "
bitcoin-qt.exe" is located (the default is "
C:\Program Files\Bitcoin")
Right-click on bitcoin-qt.exe and select "
Create shortcut", a "
bitcoin-qt.exe - Shortcut" file will be created.
Right-click on the shortcut and select "
Properties", in the 'Shortcut' tab edit the target and add
--reindex at the end of the existing text.
It should be like this if it's in the default installation directory:
"C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\bitcoin-qt.exe"
Click save and use that shortcut to open Bitcoin Core with reindex parameter. (
use it only once since it will trigger reindex again if reused)