Have you tried to check if the Armory wallet is actually pointing to the right path for your Bitcoin core and blocks?
His logs indicate that it's pointing to a custom --datadir and --satoshi-datadir.
It's indicated that Armory can find bitcoind as well.
SDM.pyc:171 - Found bitcoind in the following places:
SDM.pyc:173 - D:\Programs\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoind.exe
SDM.pyc:445 Spawning DB with command: D:\Programs\Armory\ArmoryDB.exe --db-type="DB_FULL" --cookie
--satoshi-datadir="E:\BitcoinData\blocks" --satoshi-port=8333 --datadir="D:\User\AppData\Roaming\Armory\" --dbdir="D:\User\AppData\Roaming\Armory\databases"
(e:\users\goat\code\armory3\cppforswig\blockutils.cpp:915) blkfile dir: E:\BitcoinData\blocks
(e:\users\goat\code\armory3\cppforswig\blockutils.cpp:916) lmdb dir: D:\User\AppData\Roaming\Armory\databases
What's weird is those folders seem structured to look like the user's
%appdata% directory in the C drive, but it's not an issue if "D:/" drive exists.