Also, if a node validates certain rules and does not check other rules, that would be a hard fork and would cause a chain split in the network. It usually does not happen in practice,
and an altcoin is created.... orphans, rejects and altcoins happen more then you think. its just not dramatised as a game of civil war like the 2015-17 events, where core seen alternate nodes as a threat. and now core have the power/control. no one wants to try.. thus we gave up the byzantine generals solution. and just ended up stuck with a commander and chief
because most people don't have the guts to make another full node implementation.
most people blindly follow core, where core has become like its namesake the central point of the fruit(code) because offering an alternate full node that also allows developers to contribute to offering all users new features that activate only if majority go for that altnodes proposal got treated as a threat, rather than a cooperative decentralisation method of not having a central point.
they deem any other implementation that wants to offer a roadmap/bip path for evolving bitcoin without being core associated, should fork off and create an altcoin with their feature activated and then see people adopt the altcoin.. rather than propose an idea away from the core announcements and allow the community to use the node on the bitcoin network and see if it gains majority to upgrade the bitcoin network when a threshold is reached.