You have given a great awareness, but those outlined points are not the main key to a successful crypto trader.
1. Seek for a Proper Education on Crypto and how it works before venture.
2. Don't Buy at the Peak, Buy during a crash like now, so you can Sell at the Peak like $70,000.
3. Don't borrow money to invest in crypto, it's volatile you could lose everything and your creditors will throw you to jail.
4. Don't invest your survival money. Some bearish markets take years and if you can't pay your bills and feeding, you can't be patient enough to wait for a bear market.
Proper knowledge and education about Bitcoin, as well as general knowledge about cryptocurrency, is the key to successful trading; if you have very good knowledge about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, no one can manipulate or control you because you have the knowledge and know what to do.
Very important; do not borrow money or take loan to invest in cryptocurrency because the high risk involved
5. Belong to a Community. Crypto works better if you belong to a Community where you are updated, especially on What to Buy, When to Buy and how much to Sell.
Being a part of a community is not vital, but for other people, it is because of their views. Try to conduct your own research (DYOR) to avoid placing the blame for your loss on anyone.