But the "importprivkey" on the second computer do note restore the wallet #2.
Wallet was created on computer #1 and the "Descriptor Wallet" option was checked.
The Address was created "Base58 (PSH-SegWit)
The computers' names are quite misleading, there's "
second computer" and there's "
wallet #2".
Do you mean "
address #2"? Because "
addresses" aren't "
wallets", the loaded Bitcoin Core wallet(s) is your wallet.
With that, try to name them: "
computer 1", "
computer 2", "
address 1", "
address 2"... etc.
Anyways, since it's descriptor, how did you managed to export the private key?
dumpprivkey command wont work on it (
there's a workaround but I'd like to ask how you did it)
Before using "importprivkey" on computer #2 a wallet with "Make Blank Wallet" ,check was created (i also tried a wallet with only "Descriptor Wallet" checked). Why this method do not restore the wallet and the address (public) on computer #2?
Thank you in advanced.
Descriptor wallets do not support
importprivkey command.
If you want to import a single private key to a descriptor wallet, you should use
importdescriptor command instead.
P2SH-SegWit, the descriptor should be in this format (
with sample RegTest prvKey):
To import it using
importdescriptor command, it should be in this format:
importdescriptors "[{\"desc\": \"sh(wpkh(cT7NyuTsgPtTBF91g1vbdzRJ4C1KHffKJpMXExTYjmJTRHcBMJfE))#fjl3gf6p\",\"timestamp\": 0,\"label\": \"address #2\"}]"
#fjl3gf6p" is the checksum which you can get from
getdescriptorinfo command, e.g.:
getdescriptorinfo "sh(wpkh(cT7NyuTsgPtTBF91g1vbdzRJ4C1KHffKJpMXExTYjmJTRHcBMJfE))"
For non-descriptor wallets, all three address types will be derived from the imported private key, including P2SH-SegWit.
Try to add a label to see if it's actually not imported (
e.g.: importprivkey "prbvKey" "address #2");
In case the P2SH-SegWit address is different, you may be importing the wrong prvKey.
BTW, although there's a conversation here about how to import to Bitcoin Core, the question is quite off-topic.
I'd suggest you to create a new topic in case you need a follow-up to your question.