Hi everyone!
I'm trying to create a transaction programmatically (in Rust) that spends an output associated with a P2WPKH address. This is the relevant code snippet:
fn sign_transaction<SignFun>(
own_public_key: &[u8],
own_address: &Address,
own_utxos: &[Utxo],
mut transaction: Transaction,
key_name: String,
derivation_path: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
signer: SignFun,
) -> Transaction
SignFun: Fn(String, Vec<Vec<u8>>, Vec<u8>) -> Fut,
let txclone = transaction.clone();
let mut hash_cache = sighash::SighashCache::new(&txclone);
for (index, input) in transaction.input.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let value = get_value(input, own_utxos); // Look up the value by finding the corresponding UTXO
let sighash = hash_cache
.segwit_signature_hash(index, &own_address.script_pubkey(), value, SIG_HASH_TYPE)
.expect("Creating the segwit signature hash failed.");
let signature = signer(key_name.clone(), derivation_path.clone(), sighash.to_vec()).await;
// Convert signature to DER.
let der_signature = sec1_to_der(signature);
let mut sig_with_hashtype = der_signature;
sig_with_hashtype.push(SIG_HASH_TYPE.to_u32() as u8);
let witness_bytes = vec![sig_with_hashtype, own_public_key.to_vec()];
input.witness = Witness::from_vec(witness_bytes);
SIG_HASH_TYPE is simply EcdsaSighashType::All.
I get the following serialized transaction:
When trying to submit it, I get the following error:
error code: -26
error message:
non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation)
When decoding the transaction (using decoderawtransaction), everything looks okay as far as I can tell but I might be missing something.
Note that I adapted the code from the following
working example that signs a P2PKH input:
let sighash = txclone.signature_hash(index, &own_address.script_pubkey(), SIG_HASH_TYPE.to_u32());
let signature = signer(key_name.clone(), derivation_path.clone(), sighash.to_vec()).await;
// Convert signature to DER.
let der_signature = sec1_to_der(signature);
let mut sig_with_hashtype = der_signature;
sig_with_hashtype.push(SIG_HASH_TYPE.to_u32() as u8);
input.script_sig = Builder::new()
Can anybody spot a mistake in the code? Am I signing the wrong data?
If you need additional information, just let me know.