Hello community as you know millions of people working remote jobs and earning huge money, it is positive step to comfortable life. But is there online work causing stress and disability in body? if yes how to save us, already you know its impossible to reduce attention from a huge money source!!!!!
See the truth is today be it any desk job their Job involves usage of Computers extensively which means even if the job was not remote the person would still be glued in front of a computer for a similar amount of time just in a different city, a different environment basically in an office. So it would have caused equal stress and disability. I do agree that working along with Peers might help you to rejuvenate you a bit as you might chill out with them for some time and relax but that would give equal stress of living in a different city and doing things by yourself staying away from your family. I think nothing can be done about this it's only you who should know how to keep yourself physically and mentally fit. Join a gym or Yoga or any hobby to keep yourselves mentally destressed.
That's a very valid point. Whether it be office desk job or remotely working from home, the amount of time we are glued to computers is almost equal.
So it all depends on one's perspective how he/she is taking it. Before covid I used to do a desk job and it was fun to be honest.
I used to play sports with my team in the morning and then start the work and after covid I am working remotely yet I hit the gym in the morning and start my work later.
So things haven't changed much it's just a different environment that's all. I kinda like working remotely though since it provide me flexible work hence a good work life balance.