Need a loan of $600 USDT
Repayment Period : 1 month
Repayment Amount : $800
Receiving Address USDT (ERC-20) : 0x6885fAA606dF224C6da539F078597d93e4D0Fb09
If you agree to make an agreement, please leave your message, so we can agree on the conditions. And then execute it.
Thank you.
Do you have any collateral?
In case you're unaware, newbies don't get non-collateralized loans here. Unless you have Bitcoin or some other alt-coin to offer as collateral, you are unlikely to get a loan, and more likely to get tagged as a scammer.
More can be learned about collateral suggestions here:
Another thing to note; unless your deal involves bitcoin this offer should be in the Alt-Coin marketplace, not here.
Good luck.