for all those interested. im the supposed troll
firstly i have been calling out CSW as a scammer since 2015!!
stop being a social drama queen liar to defend your silly opinon
and no dont pretend 100%(an unnatural occuracne to even exist) of btc were segwit supporters in mid 2017. and now dont even dare to try to say i am saying that i am comparing the whole BTC community as CSW's
how dare you stoop so low
YOU= your 11 buddies are such queen's of drama. just stop with the drama and understand the context. and the details and the actual words and the actual meanings of actual things.. and realise what the question and my response was actually about
the question and my response:
so i poked at a certain group of people (only 3-4 of them were in the hodlenaut topic asking a genuine question, which i found hypocritical of those 3-4 to ask based on previous experience of them) because:
certain people in the hodlonaut topic asked(not verbatim) why do idiots blindly stay loyal to other idiots who tell a story that is only backed up by quotes of other idiot friends of theirs.. but that story does not align to actual proof. such as blockdata. historic events, actual code.etc
see a genuine question. that deserves a genuine answer
here is the link to the post
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5413844.msg61008060#msg61008060i noted the hypocrisy of these certain peoples question.. so thought i would let them solve their own question by using an example of when THEY personally decided to trust friendship loyalty over hard fact data
i called out a group of people for using social bias and loyalties to push a different narrative(about a different event) that does not fit the real blockdata version of events.. so they can get some prospective of the reasons. because those asking the question are involved in a false social drama narrative of the other event i poked at..
thus they could ask themselves and answer themselves why they believe in loyalty of human trust rather than evidence of immutable hard fact data
so windfury is upset because I called him out on a topic.. even though i didnt use his name. he seems to have outed himself.. by biting
poor lad.. he cant be bothered to read blockchain data so wants to point fingers and name call to defend his opinion that bitcoin upgraded without controversy, without a hard fork(his buddy group narrative).. even though there was controversy and a mandatory hardfork to remove the opposition, to activate a bitcoin upgrade
shamefully he then wasnt to push any that disagree's with the tactics used to get the upgrade activated, must somehow belong in the same group as scammers and thieves and scumbags
windfury.. put your social drama to bed.
its funny that now he is still trying to defend that his opinion remains strong. and thinks i am trying to confuse him to the point of insanity and manipulate his mind(gaslight) and i must just be a troll for trying to get him to actually look at the evidence that opposes his opinion about events of bitcoin..
oh well windfury.. stop crying. stop posting social drama and JUST READ THE BLOCKCHAIN DATA.. you have had YEARS to do it
one major thing you should learn
bitcoin does not upgrade unless it shows high majority flag accepting to upgrade.
if people veto, object. this does not mean they are following some scammer team. it means they dont like the path an upgrade wants to take and are simply objecting to an upgrade. which normally means the upgrade proposers go away and tinker with their proposal and come back with a compromise..
it does not mean mandate the upgrade to activate anyway by removing non-flagging blocks to fake a 100%(which is an unnatural amount to ever accomplish but they did) and hen do social drama calls that objectors must be on some other team of scammers.
the point of the question was not to debate the whos on what team of some civil war event that fits their narrative..
it was to point out that even in BTC there are people that would rather cause social drama by faking history to fit their story of drama creating crap that they just want to entertain each other with for years by echo chambering the fake versions of history just to make more drama
last thing. if you want to start another social drama debate (you did by making this topic)
atleast try to provide evidence. and not just shwow you emotions and try pigeon holing people into some scammer group becasue you think if they disagree with your opinion they must be some troling scammer..
now go read the blockchain data of the event you continually want to social drama lie about. get your facts straight. realise the truthe and move on with yourlife
oh and by the way core devs actually admittted that the controversial hard mandatory hard fork occured..
so dont turn this into a 2022 debate about calling out the devs.
its about calling out just 12 idiots that still cling on to a version of event that didnt not occur the way they want to present it
so read the blockchain data, own up to your mistake. and make that group number, one less