You can download the popular open source tool called bitaddress[1] from github and run it on an airgap system. Steps:
1. Open the html file
2. Ignore the first page and instead go to the "Wallet Details" tab
3. Enter the BIP38 encrypted string in the text box saying "Enter Private Key" and click "View Details"
4. Enter your passphrase and click "Decrypt BIP38"
5. You'll see 2 bitcoin addresses, see which one is the one you used (is funded) and see if it says "Bitcoin Address" or "Bitcoin Address Compressed" on top
6. Scroll down and copy the corresponding private key starting with 5 or L/K and use it in Electrum
[1] would be great if we could get a "offline" method to encrypt and decrypt these wallets, with all the "Clipboard" Malware going around that can grab those keys, when you do things like this.
This is one of the things I hate when I sweep Private keys (Paper wallets) into Electrum..... you need to be quick... to copy&paste it..and then you have to quickly transfer those coins to another wallet.
(All the forked coins are also compromised... because someone can extract them from those Private keys, if they can "Clipboard" it.)