I have seen that trust wallet is a wallet that only supports Phrase that can be only 13 or 15 characters long and that sucks too much and their is just nothing else. If someone be able to predict your phrase than it can be easily hacked.
I want to know is there any kind of solution so that we cannot be hacked from trust wallet?
Seed phrase can be 12 to 24 words (12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words). But 12 and 24 word seed phrases are commonly generated on most wallets.
12 words are secure enough, provided you do not expose it where someone can see it, or got exposed online. If you do not feel comfortable with only seed phrase, then you may not want to use Trustwallet if you want to extent it with passphrase.
Trustwallet also only provide you with one address and it is a close source wallet. Some of the reasons I do not recommend the wallet.
Most wallets that incorporate bip39 go with 128 bits (12 words) or 256 bits (24 words). The best way to ensure your wallet is more secure is by extending these words with a passphrase that you'll remember (it can't be recovered) if Trustwallet supports that or finding a different wallet that does.
Trustwallet does not support passphrase.