Online wallets are risky because people don't understand how to use it, they do not verify the links they are on (if they are on the real website), they insert their seed phrase without verifying the domain name(anybody that sends them a link they press it without too much thinking), etc. It's not the wallets fault, if you are referring to big wallets like Metamask, it's the user issue. If they receive a link in the Telegram they start pressing on it, or maybe found a project at the beginning that requires wallet connect, people pressing buttons like on Gambling, without even thinking or hesitating or giving a second thought, this is not wallets issue, this is USER ISSUE. The wallets offer you an interface, and you basically connecting your seed phrase which use cryptographic encryption from your local device, you are accessing with your local device their website, but people doesn't check if the link is correct or if the project is real, and so on. And when you connect it, you are literally giving them access to your funds. Is this wallet issue? No it's USER problem. Please stop clicking on links that are not secure, and stop connecting your wallet on a website that you are not sure of, to prevent giving out your wallet phrase
Apps wallets that can be downloaded to our mobile devices are inherently high risk, so what you are saying is true. So for me, it is better to use a desktop or laptop, or if there is a legit app wallet that is good to use it is only Trustwallet for me, other than that there is nothing else.
Phishing sites usually become an open door for scammers or hackers to steal other people's funds here in the cryptocurrency community. And often the link with the phishing site can be found in various groups in telegram apps. That's why extra care is needed when it comes to this matter.