If a country rely on just printing of money that will lead to inflation and hyperinflation which Zimbabwe is one country as example of such inflation. Printing of money will increase money circulation and price will increase at the mention of printing of it (money). Being rich is to increase your source of income and countries can increase what they produce or services provided and that is how to be rich.
You are combining different illustrations which contradicts your points. AFAIK, the government doesn’t make an announcement when they want to print money, sometimes it is the insiders that usually leak those information or officially if it’s actually necessary most often as post events to avoid players from manipulating the market.
Not to say printing of money is totally bad but if not controlled properly it can lead to hyperinflation.
Circumstances that money can be necessary to be printed is when the country is in short of money because they need money to build industries, give loan to manufacturals and small businesses.
Countries starting up like new independent countries can print money to start the economy properly.
Printing of money isn’t the best way to manage a capitalist economy but Central banks just can’t help the fiat system monetary, that why they print more and more and hence the reason why people are always against the use of fiat as sovereign as financial instruments, Bitcoin may have its own demerit to solve the problem of fiat but fiat is the worst solution ever adopted in the history of finance if you asked me, gold is even fair in my opinion.