Two parts here random key search of bitcoin, and ECDLP high-level math analysis to map public-keys to private.
Here we are NOV 2022, and ETH has gone stake, and billions of GPU cards have NOTHING to do with their lives;
Special report how to hack to the next level by generating real NSA level HW random numbers to start your bloom-filter searches in the astronomic world of bitcoin hacking; now that GPU's don't have a home no better time than to hack bitcoin, note that this code only needs 1.5GB of GPU, so even the old 1060 2gb cards work fine
With say rtx-3070 you can do 100's of billions of search per second with just one card, a gtx-1060-3 does about 300M ( *300M compare bloom filter address per cycle )
Note here is an example of using the real random number generator; Note that while the code says 'vanity' its 99% hacked to do just one thing, hack bitcoin;
The Czech $40USD USB random number generators are real good about generating real random numbers to seed the algo that feeds new keys to the engine;
I will post code example ( bash linux ) [ From drive loop ]
here /dev/random uses the onerng usb random generator to get the seed
e=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail)
h=$( head -c $e /dev/random | sha3sum -b -a 256 | awk '{print $1}' ); echo $h
echo '/dev/random from onerng'
timeout 120m /mnt/Mining/Crypto/vanity-search/VanitySearch -gpu -s "$h" -gpu -gpuId 3 -t 1 -r 5000 $prefix
Works fine finds 'lost' bitcoin day in and day out;
There are like ten concurrent processes, here's list of top three;
1.) look for lost btc in the list of rich btc addresses
2.) every hour get new rich addresses from mining-pool and add to master list and update bloom-filter ( 8gb )
3.) every 500 new priv-keys run through the electrum private server and sweep any and all lost coins found.
The pseudo random number generate in SW on CPU's is shit this czech device uses the most advanced tech on earth to generate real random numbers, which are seeds to drive algo's;