Unless you claim your study/research is related with Bitcoin
. Although AFAIK storing file which violate copyright is more risky.
Maybe but I think you have to be registered with a college to qualify for the student cloud? You have to show proof of enrollment too. AFAIK that is how it works.
Honestly i don't know. I simply assume collage would just create bunch of google student account at once and send authentication detail to all students through email.
a lil bit of research reveals
students get a college-uni email address
when signing up to google they have to give them their college-uni address and an email confirmation is sent to students uni-college email
anyways this topic had started with the OP saying he had a 10 terrabyte hard drive and wondering why it was taking 3 days to sync
its been noted several times its not due to the hard drive. with multiple examples why..
. and that includes that a ~774,000 blockheight of ~450gb would be even at 10 blocks per second only be 24 hours and thats on a slow day. but where even generic hard drives can handle way way more then that.
thus debunking the hard drive being bottleneck theory
thus not a storage amount problem or a write-read speed problem
even 6-13mb a second is way less than the limits of even old hard drives
(plus all the other blk rev file stuff ontop still doesnt exceed hard drive tolerances)
.. all that said i do find it funny how people went into a whole tangent to try to get someone to buy some majorly expensive new server-grade hard drive and pretend bitcoin wont be good unless large server cost investment went into it (facepalm)
however its more likely a bandwidth (intermittent internet) issue
ram, also deals in GB amounts not megabyte amounts
also even if ram is over utilised the pc can use hard drive as virtual memory (page file swap files) but again they are dealing with GB amount of data store/processing but only need a few mb per second utility.
the silly delays in syncing i see today happen more often by people using slow network protocols like Tor and VPN that have the worse ping rates and bandwidth speeds even if your device is linking to an ISP at highspeed
its the propagation/relay between nodes that slow the momentum down
i say this because
if hard drives can tolerate terrabytes of data
hundreds of mb of read-write speeds
ram deals in gbs of data and even using virtual memory hundreds of mb of read-write speeds per second
the only low baring fruit that is probably going to be only a few mb/s would be the internet. especially if using tor-vpn bad ping rate utilities
and searching OP post history, they like to talk about utilising tor alot. thus i feel that is their actual issue
but i still find it funny how people are trying to make it look like bitcoin cant function on hard drives bought circa 2018-2023 and pretending everyone needs to by some high spec hard drive that only servers use