Maybe slightly OT, sorry in advance. But since I usually delay grading thinking "if really needed can be done later, but I wanna keep my collectibles accessible for now" I don't really have any grading experience.
So when you say you add a long list of demands, what would that be? Can't really think of anything else they can do except give that thing a grade and slab it accordingly.
Sorry I meant more like a list of things I want/don't want...
1. which way do I want the coin slabbed? You can get it front slabbed, or back-slabbed (?)
2. Labels - You can request the Non-Casascius Labels if you want - Personally, it looks dumb to have a Cas label if it's not a Cas, but that's just me.
3. Documentation about the coins I submitted - sites to check addressses, variations and links etc etc...
I've been through enough mistakes with them to know you have to make sure you tell them exactly what you want, and I'm tired of some old-man named "Skip" calling me up asking about this or that error and why it's an error and such....
Anyhow, Maybe I'll just wait until PCGS catches up... I've been meaning to submit them for a year now anyhow.
Also, just leaving the coins unslabbed for 2 years before submitting for grading can definitely affect the grades - all mine are in shrink wrapped air-tight containers for now.