Welcome and good luck.
Lately I saw your site is build by web3 things(connect to metamaks) and now changed.
Follows FAQ about "Anti-Trade System"
It's awfull.
To prevent this we have added a system where you need to place bets worth 3/4x of the amount your withdraw.
How it work:
Roulette: amount of your bet = wager
Crash: profit of your win bet = wager
Dice: profit of your win bet = wager
Playing with crash or dice, shouldn't called as wagered if counted as wager.
Wagered = risk (a sum of money )
Are you sure 3-4x to able withdrawal?
How deposit commission works? earn 10% once affiliated lose ?
First welcome to this forum. Tried to visit your site for a while and i found it has kinda simple interface. Maybe i can only suggest you to look at "log out" button, as i never signed up yet on your site, but i can log out from your site.
Mininum deposit is $1 = 1 coin, and maximumbet is $500 or 500 coins, also maximum profit on crash game is 5,000,000 coins or $5 millions, can we know how much your bankroll in your site?
5,000,000 coins equal = 5M $
Auto payout for 5M $ , mean while your bankroll is 250K?
Sign message it.