Another thing - When the average person uses their Mastercard, they are paying with credit, using borrowed money. Bitcoin does not facilitate any kind of debt or lending, which supporters will say is an advantage, but the average person wont understand this. The average person is a debt-slave and does not actually have cash on hand to put into something like bitcoin.
Are you from the US? I know that the US people spend their money more dept based but why? I am from Germany and I think none of my friends or family members ever bought something credit based (credit cards are not really popular here). Ok, when you buy a house you use a credit. Or I know people who buy a car on credit buy friends talk about that like "How can she/he do that? Spend money you don't have". On the other hand this means that there are no high transaction fees. You pay cash or with your EC card (money on a bank account you acutally have). So the fees are low and I think many people don't know what fees are there, when I buy something on But it should be 1% or less. So the low transaction fees with Bitcoin are not that big deal. Ok, but Paypal is popular, too and theier fees (2.9%) are well known...
I keep hearing the argument that more and more usd is printed which means that that USD should flow into bitcoin and raise the price. The problem is, that this USD does not go into the hands of the average person - it ends up only in the hands of wealthy elites! The average person simply gets poorer and poorer (relatively) and starved out due to inflation. Look at the minimum wage and the annual salaries for workers since the nation started ballooning its debt. How much have they increased?
But people think that the goverment lends money and pays social gifts with that money which is true. But rich people hold assets and this assets get adjusted immediately. Wages do not. On the other hand there are still pretty low inflation rates. Today there was a big headline that Spain slipped into deflation and how bad deflation is. This might lead to new money printing by the ECB.