Salve a tutti, ho notato la discussione riguardo l'ultimo aggiornamento e ci sono diverse polemiche in atto in quanto alcuni utenti hanno accusato gli sviluppatori di aver introdotto un "codice dannoso":
Do not download Bitcoin Core V24.0.1
It contains the malicious Full-RBF code.
Denunciando addirittura il pericolo di centralizzazione , rischio di double-spending e possibilità di sequestro dei propri fondi.
Full-RBF enables ANY transaction to be double spendable, any honest transaction could be replaced by a malicious higher fee one. This could result in censorship, seizure of funds by an state actor or theft.
For understanding this last argument I´ll explain one of Bitcoins limitations which should be publicly known if we believe in self custody
22.1 and 23.1 are bug fix releases for the previous major versions of 22.0 and 23.0. They contain bug and security fixes that were backported on top of older versions. The purpose of such releases is to allow people to still safely use older versions. Users may still wish to do so because they may still be auditing newer versions, or newer versions contain features that they are not yet comfortable with, or maybe something was deprecated and removed that they are still relying on. In these releases, very little has changed except for some bug fixes that were deemed to be important.
It was never done such for Bitcoin. So the there is real base for concerns some users about full RBF feature that developers decided to basically continue to work on older releases?
Un utente è stato minacciato di rimozione ad ogni sua altra risposta.
Il pezzo di codice trovato è questo:
$ bitcoin-cli getmempoolinfo
"fullrbf": true
Voi cosa ne pensate di questo aggiornamento? è davvero pericoloso questo
link alla discussione completa: