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Author Topic: HCFH new token for mining PoW Plus consensus on GPU, ASIC resist  (Read 235 times)
HCFofficial (OP)
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January 19, 2023, 12:51:36 PM
Last edit: October 18, 2023, 03:10:34 PM by HCFofficial


HCFH is a token based on the Polygon blockchain that can mine on GPUs
via a smart contract with unique tailormade PoW Plus consensus.

Humans Care Foundation: House is a project of the Humans Care Foundation.


HCFH’s mission is to give a helping hand to the victims of humanitarian
and natural disasters around the world. We believe that using innovative solutions
made by HCF and drawing the attention of the global community we can create a
sustainable future for everyone.


At the stage of token generation, tokens are distributed to the main
HCFH wallets. The total supply is 21,000,000 HCFH and it is divided to:

  • «PoW Plus General Wallet» - 5,000,000 HCFH
  • «Staking General Wallet» - 12,000,000 HCFH
  • «Project Tokens» - 4,000,000 HCFH

PoW Plus stage

On the 26th of January 2023, the source code of the network became
available to miners. The remuneration is set so that 5,000,000 HCFH tokens are
stretched to be mined within 12 years.

Block time 120 min
Reward per block 93 HCFH
Daily reward 1 116 HCFH
Approximate time of mining 4 480 days

Staking stage

The Staking Share contains 12,000,000HCFH of the total supply.
The emission of it is stretched for 12 years, 1,000,000 of HCFH is distributed
annually so 83,333 HCFH is distributed on a monthly basis.
This monthly emission is used for:

  • Reward users who have made a donation. This loyalty program
    is called “Lifetime Staking”;
  • Reward users who have staked their tokens on HCF platform.

Users can stake tokens using our fixed staking program.
To replenish the “HCFH Security Wallet”. To be more specific - 25% of monthly
emission goes to this wallet.

Project tokens

4,000,000 HCFH are distributed to 3 wallets. Wallet addresses and
information about them are posted on the official resources. These wallets are:

Charity Share - 3,000,000 HCFH (75% of project tokens)
The main and only purpose of this share is to be burnt after the donation is made.
Operational reports on donation distribution will be published on the official resources
of the project. In addition, the official resources of the platform will informationally
cover the events held as part of the charitable programs.

Developers share – 800,000 HCFH (20% of project tokens)
This is the share that is created for developers. It may be used for rewarding them
as well as spent on HCF platform maintenance and functionality development as well
as scaling the HCF ecosystem. This is up to developers, this is why it’s called
“Developers Share”.

Activity share 200,000 HCFH (5% of project tokens)
These tokens are aimed at increasing the community and the number of active users,
attracting additional funding to the project and developing marketing.

Donation mechanism

The HCFH project connects donors and the Charity Initiatives together.
A user who has made a donation becomes a Donor of the HCFH project, gets his
share from monthly emission and gets his right to vote for funding a particular
Charity Initiative.
The amount of money for each donation is split into three portions.

  • 70% of it is divided between all the Charity Initiatives in equal
    proportions. Before these funds are sent to Charity Funds - they are accumulated in
    the HCFH Charity Savings Wallet. All the payouts are made once every two weeks.
  • 25% of it is also held in the HCFH Savings Wallet and is a subject
    to vote. Users choose the Charity Initiative they emphasize most. After the voting is
    over - this amount is sent to the winner of voting.
  • 5% goes to “HCFH Reserve Wallet”. The name speaks for itself.
    When there is no time to hesitate for a specific Charity Initiative - we sponsor it.
    Having distributed the funds, the corresponding HCFH tokens amount is burned then.
    All the HCFH donors are invited to the “Lifetime Staking Loyalty Plan”.

Voting system

The mechanism of all donated funds' distribution as well as the tool to govern
the HCF evolution is one of the key features of the platform.

The main idea of donation distribution lies in each charity initiative getting part of it. Thus
70 % of accumulated funds are equally spread within them. 5% goes to the "HCFH
Emergency Wallet" while the remaining 25% is becoming a subject to vote.

All HCFH donors and token holders can vote which charity initiative on the platform
should receive additional funding with 25% of all the accumulated donations as well as
influence the integral decisions of the project development such as technical and fundamental
updates, the implementation of joint programs with global NGOs and all sorts of issues where
a collective decision should be made.

1 HCFH token gives the user 1 vote. The voting timespan is 2 weeks.

As soon as it is over - the funding goes to the winner.

The voting process is open and everyone can see the intermediate results in order to make
their choice much smoother.

Token Burning System


When the donation is made, the corresponding amount of HCFH tokens is burnt.
This is made in order to reduce the amount of circulating tokens so that every single one of
them has more value.

How to get HCFH
  • Participating in Staking Programs
  • Mining
  • Donate and receive your Lifetime Staking
  • Buy on Crypto Exchanges
  • Activities

HCFH contract address

Our contacts
Twitter: @hcfhcoin
Github: HCFofficial
HCFH is developed by HCF (Humans Care Foundation)

You can find all the detailed information about the HCFH in our whitepaper.


Mr. Panda Pro
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Bounty Management Service

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January 24, 2023, 12:58:16 PM

More Details. Like Social Media links Etc?
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January 26, 2023, 06:33:43 AM

More Details. Like Social Media links Etc?

You can see the available links at the very bottom of the post. Note the mugs with the image of instagram, telegram, etc.
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Yes, I'm an asshole

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January 26, 2023, 04:43:05 PM

I looked at your media and your website, but I still find they're lacked of important details that Im I'm not even sure where should I start. Do you, perhaps, have whitepaper that could help me understand your platform better? And where does your foundation based in?



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March 04, 2023, 12:40:03 PM

We are not a foundation. Our platform finances problem-solving through cryptocurrency, collaborating with various NGOs.
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Yes, I'm an asshole

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March 04, 2023, 06:55:48 PM

We are not a foundation. Our platform finances problem-solving through cryptocurrency, collaborating with various NGOs.

This invites more questions than answers, like: what problem? What solutions? How do you decide which project worthy of fundings? Which NGO? How are they chosen? Why? And many others. As I said... a whitepaper might helps us greatly.

I can see that your website is still not working. It's been two months? Three?



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March 17, 2023, 08:23:11 AM

We are not a foundation. Our platform finances problem-solving through cryptocurrency, collaborating with various NGOs.

This invites more questions than answers, like: what problem? What solutions? How do you decide which project worthy of fundings? Which NGO? How are they chosen? Why? And many others. As I said... a whitepaper might helps us greatly.

I can see that your website is still not working. It's been two months? Three?
Our website will be ready next week. The Whitepaper will be published there
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June 20, 2023, 11:15:37 AM

This invites more questions than answers, like: what problem? What solutions? How do you decide which project worthy of fundings? Which NGO? How are they chosen? Why? And many others. As I said... a whitepaper might helps us greatly.

I can see that your website is still not working. It's been two months? Three?

I'm happy to bring the news about Humans Care Foundation (HCF) updates!

Check out website where you can learn general info about the HCFH project and most importantly whitepapers that you can dive into:

We're also making last steps in the developing HCF platform with all described functionality. We aim to launch in the end of August
If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask them here!

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July 19, 2023, 04:04:25 PM

HCFH contract address

We have successfully completed the data migration process to the Polygon blockchain, so our contract address has been updated.
To help you add the HCFH tokens to your web3 wallet, we have prepared a quick guide

Guide How To Add HCFH Tokens
1. Open the application and find the list of cryptocurrencies and tokens in your web3 wallet
2. Find the button "Add token" or "Import token"
3. Make sure that you choose the Polygon network
4. Paste the contract address - 0x3c57F30268F366E3749041b704B0682eFb1031bA
5. All the other fields will be filled automatically
6. Click "Add token" or "Import token"
7. You are all set up!
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August 05, 2023, 08:35:19 AM

Dear Community,

Continuing the discussion on transitioning our tokens from the Ethereum blockchain to Polygon, we are thrilled to announce the release of mining capabilities for our users. Token mining is now available to all enthusiasts and GPU owners with more than 4GB of RAM.

We are excited to collaborate with our new partner, Liquid Pool, who has provided this opportunity on their platform. With their support, mining has become more accessible than ever before!

Join us by following the link and connecting to the mining process in just a few simple steps!
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